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Improve Your Eye Vision Naturally - Eye Care

Written By Just 10 Media on 9/10/2013 | 07:47

How to Improve Your Vision

What causes bad vision and can it really be dealt with? Are contact lenses, glasses and surgery the only remedy? Since sight is important to life, taking good care of your eyes will benefit in ways you cannot comprehend. Contrary to the belief that eye problem can only be improved by contact lenses and surgery, eye exercises can also prevent and offer relief for these common eye conditions: Long-sightedness, Astigmatism, Myopia, sensitivity to light, Strabismus(crossed eye), Eye strain, Amblyopia ( lazy eye), burning eyes or headache. In this article you will discover how you can begin improving your vision today.

Eat food rich in eye vitamin

Certain foods will improve your eyesight. Combinations of good nutrition, eye vitamins and good lifestyle will help keep your eye remain healthy and stronger. There are also some foods you ought to keep away from. You have to reduce your alcohol consumption and stop smoking. Certain fruits such as lemon and blueberries are beneficial for your eyesight. There are tons of vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, celery which helps in improving vision.

Change or improve your environment

Fluorescent lights, staying in front of a computer screen for a long time, causing computer eye strain syndrome and allergens can negatively affect your vision. Watch out the amount of chlorine you are exposed to especially while swimming at the pool. And always make sure to put on the appropriate eyewear to shield your eyes when in a contaminated environment. Again, one must not forget to put on sunglasses to protect the eyes against UV rays.

Keep your eyes moving in different directions

Starring at television, computer screen or mobile phone is one of the worst things you can do to your eyes. Fixed vision when done for a prolonged period of time is extremely dangerous to your eyes--as it can stress the eyes. Even reading a book can stress your eyes and that is why many students get such exhausted eyes especially during exam period. It is recommended that every 5 minutes; look around at something that is about 10 feet away. It is imperative to keep your eyes in constant motion because they can be programmed for fixed focus, and that is bad.

Other eye exercises

Focusing your eyes from close objects to far objects is another brilliant exercise that will benefit your eye. To perform this exercise, focus your eyes on anything close for some few seconds. Then, focus away to an object that is somewhat far away from you. Concentrate on the object for some seconds, and then look away to an object that's close again. Repeat these simple steps for as many times as possible. Blinking your eyes is something that comes naturally and automatically--that is, in most cases. Blinking benefits your eyes by keeping them moist, thus helps you focus. And most vital, blinking refreshes your eyes. But in this modern existence, our eyes tend not to get the normal blinking it needed. We stare for many hours at TV and computer screens, and pay little or no attention to the rate of our blinking. If you blink or roll your eyes in different directions, you are actually helping improving your vision. Whether you have this sort of habit or not, sit back at a comfortable chair and train your eyes to roll and blink while at a screen. Do this exercise on regular basis.


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